Friday, October 20, 2006

Alanna wants to be teacher......

.....and Lucy wants to be a surgeon, although she's still a little confused about the doctor's life. She asked P recently "Where do doctors sleep?" Alanna told me that Lucy didn't realize they lived in houses and everything just like actual people.

Lucy also wants to be a princess or a queen. She's really been on my case in the last few days since she saw a huge Fairy-Tale Castle Doll House in a catalog, whining urgently of how much she wants it, and could I get it for her, please, please, etc., etc. . I'm trying to explain to her that it probably costs as much as a real-life house so we might have to hold-off on it, OK? She's only 4 yrs old. JWU is concerned about this "Daddy I want [insert frivolous unaffordable item here] can I please have [insert frivolous unaffordable item here]..." trendline progressing into teenage-hood.


Blogger The Children of the B's said...

Well maybe Lucy can become the first queen surgeon so she can buy all of her own frivolous unaffordable items. Kat on Sat after she opened her gifts she wanted more. She wasn't done opening them. How quickly they learn to want more and more things.

9:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Wants is a very contagious and serious disorder!! When the girls watched TV at the babysitter while I helped at Daniel's school the dreaded WANTS became more feverous!.
I don't know if this will help some but one thing that did with the kids and catalogs is I had them cut the pictures out and then they played with the pictures as if they had the real item. At least it keeps them busy for awhile - and then they had boxes and envelopes they put them in. I'll have to ask them what they thought about doing it.
Looking fwd to seeing everyone. Sorry to miss out on the party. I wouldn't have been good company - spending a lot of time on the throne that eve.

4:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoops - that really was anonymous - but am sure you can figure out who it was.
Daniel and Amy were home this wkend - it was great - we also got to see Peter and Marissa quite a bit too. Love, Sherrie

4:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But i still don't understand you could take a loan out now your house and buy it for her. I mean come on she is your youngest daghter and the baby of the family must have everything thing she wants.

6:29 AM  

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