Uding, that is. Featuring humans: JWU, Pamela, Alanna, & Lucy; fur-bearing varmits (living): Lavender Rose, Pansy, and Sunflower (Sunny); fur-bearing varmits (deceased): Carlos; fur-bearing varmits (misplaced): Cleo.
Friday, October 13, 2006
Yes, JWU had an operation....
....in a hospital with doctors and everything, just like on TV! Into ER at around 9PM, in surgery at around 1AM, ready to go home (he was) at 7AM, actually went home at around 11:30AM. Hernia gone real bad, it was. He's tired of talking about it, though. He'd rather think about this:
Hmm... Looks kinda like the place we've just come back from. Wish you were there! :-P Hope ya get to feeling better!!
-P & M
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